Earning Potential for Teaching Online

Teaching Online for Degree and Non Degree holders has become an in-demand industry for TEFL Teachers. The earning potential for Teaching Online is excellent and in this article we’ll look at the different companies you can work for and how much they pay.
In order to get started Teaching Online we recommend taking the 120 Hour TEFL Course combined with the Specialist 40 Hour Teaching Online Course. The 120 Hour TEFL will give you the foundations of TEFL and confidence and the 40 Hour Teach Online will help you build strategies to teach online and also show you how you can become a private online teacher to provide additional income.
Here are our picks of the best Online Teaching Companies to work for:
Non-Degree Holders
Palfish: $15 per hour
Cambly: $10 per hour
iTalki: set your own rates
Learnlight: $10 per hour
Degree HoldersÂ
English Town/Kids – $10-$20 per hour – We partner with English Town
DaDa – $15-$20 per hour – We partner with DaDa
iTutor – $15-$20 per hour – We partner with iTutor
VIPX – $15-$20 per hour – We partner with VIPX
Magic Ears – $15-$20 per hour
Discovering the benefits to you from teaching EFL online
What’s in it for you and your students? Lots and lots of personal and work benefits.
Before discussing these benefits, it’s only fair that we also mention that there are some challenges too. The majority of these challenges are initial challenges that you may face when starting your new role.
Pretty quickly you will overcome these challenges and become a seasoned online teacher. We will study these initial challenges in Module 4.
However, it’s also fair and true to state that all the benefits and advantages far outweigh any initial challenges you may face.
Here are the key benefits for YOU:
1. You can become a digital nomad
Make your dream of travelling into reality. Imagine teaching in Vietnam one month and then Thailand the month after, followed by Australia or South America! Our Teaching EFL Online course offers you flexibility – and a sustainable income whist you are travelling.
A digital nomad is a person who uses telecommunications technologies (e.g. Skype) to earn a living in any place and at any time. It provides convenience and flexibility. You don’t need an office or a boss (unless you choose to work for an online Provider) and you don’t need to confine yourself to your homeland but you can if you wish to.
You can travel to any place you wish, be it Abu Dhabi, Chiang Mai or Shanghai, and make your living there through using technology.
You can travel to Chiang Mai because you’ve always wanted to live there but you can still teach students in any part of the cyber world due to the technology now available.
All you need is a computer, a solid Internet connection and the drive to be competent in the role. How simple is that?
2. You can start your own teaching business
This is a valuable skill and benefit to future employers and it will always give you a way to supplement your income if you decide to travel and stop full-time work.
Once you start teaching online as a private tutor you might find other ways to use your platform and skills. It will allow you to become an independent teacher, which you will find very useful over the years to come. It will open your mind to how you can run your online business in other ways.
3. You will have an ever-increasing client base due to the power and attraction of English
You will be moving into a work area where the client base expands from moment to moment. You will not have any concerns about a declining client base as often happens in other industries.
English language learning has become one of the biggest global events of all time. So, why is this? Why is English language learning and the teaching of EFL in such high demand? Here are just a few key reasons:
- Overwhelmingly, English is at the core of international communication. It is now the language of global business. International communication is critical in many fields, and to many roles, and skilled and confident users of the English language are increasingly sought. In light of this, being able to speak and write English puts an individual at a clear advantage in many ways.
- English is now the lingua franca of global business. A lingua franca (or working language, bridge language, or vehicular language) is a language used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother/native language. For example, a Chinese person who does not know Spanish and a Spanish person who does not know Chinese may be able to communicate if they both use English. In this case, English is called the lingua franca.
- Also, most software programmes are written in English. Those seeking to communicate electronically will find the ability to read and write the English language invaluable.
- In addition, the ability to speak the English language fluently is exceedingly beneficial if a person is seeking job opportunities with international companies. Often, English is a prerequisite in the selection process.
- Students may also study in any one of a variety of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) programmes. ESP courses focus on specific English skills and abilities needed for certain environments and professions, such as English for Business, English for Medicine, English for the Automobile Industry, and so on. For example, in India, where many people use English to conduct customer service and support for international companies, there are many private schools that offer ESP courses for customer service.
- As the English language is spoken predominantly throughout the world, international travellers will find that speaking and reading English can make their travels much easier. Most hotel and restaurant employees, as well as store personnel, probably speak English to some degree. And the majority of travel information is written in English.
You have the opportunity to play a very important part in this global and unstoppable wave of learning.
4. You will derive great and continuing pleasure
Great pleasure awaits you from helping non-native students to learn/improve their English and achieve their language, study and work goals. They will never forget the help you gave them.
Unlike many other occupations, where you may simply be a cog in the wheel and are unaware of the part you play in the whole, you can immediately identify what you and your students need to achieve and will achieve.
5. It will be a rewarding and enriching experience
You can reach out to students where there was no chance to do so before, because of technology and the global need for learning English. These varied collaboration and learning events, and the diversity of students you will now be in contact with, will greatly enhance your learning and teaching experiences.
6. It will be an enjoyable career
You will have the opportunity to build a long term career, where every day is different, fun and exciting. Contrast this with some work roles which are repetitive and lack fun and excitement.
7. No more admin headaches
Unlike the classroom-based environment, course administration is more seamless, organised and efficient, with the system automating processes and rote tasks. This also applies to formative assessment. Thus, you have more time to focus on helping your learners achieve their goal.
8. No more discussion gaps
As a competent online teacher (using a well-structured course), you will propel discussion and feedback from all students in a group. Every student is expected to post a response to the discussion board and participate in discussion activities, when asked to do so.
As a result, you will recognise immediately whether a student understands a word/concept/idea or not. Where a student is having difficulty, you can help him immediately and privately. In classroom-based environments, students with particular difficulties may slip through the net.
9. There will be greater engagement, interaction and learning
Also, for the same reason as above, i.e. the requirement for students to post a response to the discussion board and participate in discussion activities, student engagement and learning increases. There is no hiding place. If only classroom-based classes were like that!
10. You will become a truly modern teacher
The days of the sage on the stage are, thankfully, fast disappearing. The modern teacher aims for a more communicative, facilitative and learner-centred approach. Online teaching with the appropriate tools and platform will ensure you act as a truly modern teacher. Allowing for a few cultural differences, e.g. where a student expects you to be a teacher-centred ‘sage on the stage’, the vast majority of students will welcome your modern approach.
11. And you get paid for it!
Last but not least – you get paid for it! It can either be a full time career or a part time career fitting around your other personal and/or work commitments. The money you earn can supplement your income when studying, travelling, when off on maternity leave etc. or it can be the main income coming in. You choose.
So, get started today and send your Resume to info@teflfullcircle.com
Thank you