It's fair to say that most of us strive for lifetime success. However, there is no silver bullet for achieving lifetime success. What we do know, however, is that there are some strategies/plans of action that offer a better chance of helping you to achieve lifetime success.
There's no definitive guide to what success is because success means many different things to all of us. For some, lifetime success may mean:
Career Development
Building a growth mindset may be one of the best decisions you will ever make in your life.
A growth mindset contributes to a fuller, more eventful and more meaningful life due to the abundance and range of experiences that such a life offers.
Course Review
There is ample evidence suggesting that many benefits derive from cultivating a growth mindset.
Love it so far, easy testing and easy to understand. You can always go back to redo quizzes and test. You can download all units. Highly recommend it.
Excellent content presented in a professional manner. The course has been designed into individual chapters. You must complete each chapter in the order it has been presented to be able to advance to the next chapter.